After completing his studies in English literature, Maan began leading international trips throughout Syria. Since 1990, he's brought his love for Syria and all the Middle East to his work as a professional guide. Maan has knowledge ofand passion forthe nature, culture and history of this interesting corner of the world. He has lead trips in Syria for many overseas travel companies like Wilderness Travel, Abreicrombe & Kent, Page & Moy, British Airways Holidays and others. He has recently lead many VIP individuals and groups including, an American-Arab friendship delegation with James Zougby and two U.S. Senators, the American University in Cairo with Trusties and Professors, Calgary University-Canada, and Sydney University groups, international media groups, journalists, British historians and authors. In addition he has acted as co-leader on hiking trips in Europe (Tour de Mont Blanc-Classic Aleps) and leader of groups in other countries. I welcome you to a cultural adventure in Syria and the Middle East.
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